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Category: Services


Selling smart services and scaling the business (Part 3)

This is the final in a 3-post article series on Smart Services. If you haven’t read the previous parts, here are the links:

Roy Chikballapur

July 6, 2021


The Product Manager’s guide for Smart Services (Part2)

This is the second in a 3-post article series on Smart Services. You can read the first article on building a strong business case here.

Roy Chikballapur

May 27, 2021


The Product Manager’s guide for Smart Services (Part 1)

In this series of posts, I address service product management topics around building smart services – more specifically remote monitoring

Roy Chikballapur

April 21, 2021


The Manifesto for a New Normal

It was exactly a year ago that I returned from BrauBeviale, an international trade fair for the beverages and brewing industry and realised that I had lost my sense of taste. It was still pre-Covid-19 in the news, my doctors put it down to an inexplicable neurological cause that they couldn’t diagnose.

Roy Chikballapur

November 19, 2020


Industry 4.0: Customer portals vs. Customer’s portal

In this post, I hope to trigger a debate within the Industry 4.0 community on the need for so called Customer Portals 

Roy Chikballapur

October 29, 2020


Accessing the long-tail with the right incentives

Apologies for the delay in getting this piece out. Summer weather and the birth of a baby make focusing on writing articles a lot harder.

Roy Chikballapur

September 18, 2020